TMN Digital Show Creators Summer Lab

A Virtual Creative Hub for Youth 16-18

If you're a teen aged 16-18 with aspirations of becoming a content creator, seize this opportunity! Join Teens Media Network's Digital Show Creators Summer Lab and immerse yourself in the dynamic realm of digital content creation, guided by seasoned mentors in photography, video, graphic design, storytelling, and marketing.

What You'll Learn:

From brainstorming show ideas to defining your audience, scripting, and editing your first digital Pilot Teaser, you'll hone your skills under the tutelage of industry experts while collaborating with peers.

Upon completion, TMN will consider publishing your Teaser and potentially producing your digital show.

Duration and Instruction Hours:

The lab spans 12 hours of instruction over 3 weeks, starting July 15th, with mentors guiding you from idea inception to concept completion. By the course's end, you'll have crafted a treatment, a promotional poster, and a pilot teaser for your show.

Participants are expected to dedicate extra time to independently complete assignments crucial for a successful learning experience. The number of hours dedicated to these assignments will vary depending on each student's dedication, engagement, and passion to complete the tasks assigned.

Post-Completion Benefits:

Upon finishing the course, you can either independently produce your show or opt to collaborate with TMN for network production (subject to TMN's selection criteria).


The course fee is $960.

Early enrollment before May 21st saves you 40%! Pay only $576.

How to Apply:

Fill out the form below, and a member of our team will reach out to guide you through the registration process and next steps.

Pablo Herrera

Founding Director of Colectivo Piloto (thecplab)

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